Move to Next moves components to the next closest component in any of the 45° increment directions.
It’s made to mimic the behavior of the CTRL+Arrow keys as they come with the standard install, where you can select a component, then move it to the minimum spacing distance to the next nearest component using the Control key with up, down, left, and right arrows. The difference is that this tool works with all the 45° angles – 45, 135, 225, and 315. It will move selected parts diagonally instead of orthogonally, to the next nearest component in that direction. It’s in the hotkeys and setup files in my software downloads, using the CTRL + 1, 7, 9, and 3 keys on the number pad on the keyboard.
45° = CTRL+9
135° = CTRL+7
225° = CTRL+1
315° = CTRL+3
Here’s an example of moving a component in the 225° direction, then 315°, to get it closer to the adjacent parts:

First select the component. In this case we will move R6. Then use the hotkey CTRL+1 (on the number keypad) to move it in the 225° direction. R6 is now as close as it can get to C11, based on the clearance rules for placement outline to placement outline.

Now use the CTRL+3 hotkey to move R6 in the 315° direction to get it close to the IC:

That’s it. By using a combination of the Align tools and this tool, placing components in the diagonal orientations is much faster and easier than using the arrow keys by themselves to try to get components close to each other.